Susan Vdovichenko, Ph.D. portrait
Phone: 724-503-1001 x6175
Office: 005 Burnett

Susan Vdovichenko, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Russian

Degrees: Ph.D. Slavic and Eastern European Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University; M.A. Slavic and Eastern European Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University; B.A. Linguistics

Dr. Susan Vdovichenko是俄语副教授和奖学金顾问. 她毕业于达特茅斯学院,主修语言学,辅修俄语, then received her M.A. and Ph.D. 俄亥俄州立大学斯拉夫语和东欧语言文学专业. Her primary interests are sociolinguistics, second language acquisition, and linguistic policy, particularly with a focus on Ukraine.